Reacting Flow
Large-eddy simulation offers detailed instantaneous flow characteristics and resolve turbulent flow structures. In engine research, this is particularly valuable in simulations involving chemical reactions.
Wind Energy Application
With the fast growth of the wind-energy sector worldwide, the interaction between atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow and wind turbines, and the cumulative effects of turbine wakes, have become important issues in both the wind energy and the atmospheric science communities.
Atmospheric Boundary Layer
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is the lowest part of the atmosphere which is in direct interaction with the Earth’s surface and responds to surface forcing with time scales of one hour or less. It is a highly turbulent boundary-layer flow with a Reynolds number of order ~ 109.
Isotropic Turbulence
An idealized turbulent flow, which is of great importance for fundamental studies and turbulence model development.
Rotating Turbulence
Rotating turbulence is of great importance in engineering and geophysics. The most significant application in the first case is the development and the design of turbo-machinery.
Stratified Turbulence
Stably stratified turbulence is common in the ocean and the atmosphere. Buoyancy force tends to destory turbulence. An Ekman layer can be commonly overserved.
Design of Devices for Biomedical Engineering and Cell Biology
Large-eddy simulation grows rapidly and is currently applied in a wide variety of engineering applications.